|Press releases

€72 000 for further space development

This summer’s collaboration with NASA partners SETI Institute, Mars Institute, Haughton-Mars Project and Collins Aerospace, initiated space-related development and research at Ntention. The recent announcement discloses collaboration between Ntention and highly recognized organizations within space activities.

High-valued network of space-related companies

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. ESA’s mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. The ESA Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Norway opened in August 2018 and is a part of a European-wide network that provides support to over 150 companies every year in Europe.

December 2019, we can announce that Ntention will be a part of this valuable network in 2020. With the support from Kjeller Innovasjon and partners of ESA BIC, Ntention will continue the research on space-related technology, in particular, the Astronaut Smart Glove. The membership of ESA BIC Norway provides Ntention with additional research funds of € 25 000.

National grants for space-related research and development

When Norway became a member of ESA in 1987, the Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) was established. NOSA is responsible for organizing Norwegian space activities, particularly with respect to ESA and the EU, and for coordinating national space activities.

Every year, the Norwegian Space Agency has national financial resources in space operations. The purpose of the grant scheme is to:

  • Contribute to Norwegian companies and research institutions to achieve a technological level so Norway can benefit from and utilize Norwegian membership in the European Space Agency (ESA), the EU and other international collaborative arenas for space operations.
  • Contribute to the development of space-based products, services, and use-cases to meet national public needs in an efficient and cost-effective manner, including participation in development projects from public sector organizations and agencies.

December 2019, Ntention was granted NOK 465 000 (approx. € 47 000) of next year’s national financial resources from the Norwegian Space Agency.

Ntention news

Contact person

Vegard J. Løwe
Chief Marketing Officer

Vegard J. Løwe
